That thing you said you were going to do – did you do it? Probably not. Why not? No reason. Are you going to do it tomorrow? Don't bother lie. You have every right to make fake plans and set imaginary goals, but just keep them to yourself moving forward. The people that keep pushing you are tired.
YOU will be the only person who can make YOU do anything. There is no quote. There is no meme. There is no motivational speaker. There is no audiobook. It's strictly a decision you need to make with YOURSELF. Discipline may be one of the world's biggest challenges, but I promise once you find yours you'll instantly see yourself separate from the pack.
STAY DISCIPLINED. Now let me explain what it truly means to be disciplined. Just starting something to say you did IS NOT ENOUGH. Working on yourself or your craft for a month IS NOT ENOUGH. At some point you're going to have to decide if the things that come out of your mouth are actually your own words or someone else's. Nobody can write your story better than you, but it needs to be your story or you'll never finish.
It's a new year and that means absolutely nothing without discipline. If you still have the same work ethic, you will attain the same bullshit. Take some time to evaluate your weaknesses; your bad habits; your circle of friends; your fears. Now write them all down so you can see them. Look at what you've written and break the fucking cycle.
Anything you wish to achieve will always start with you. Support and all the other shit is only a bonus. The story will start and end with YOU; but you’ll have to want it more than everybody else wants it for you. Find your discipline – then keep it.