There has got to be a better question you can ask someone – in fact there are many questions better than this shit. “So.. Why are you single?” – “Check please.” I’m single because I’m not with someone.. Now what? Our current dating culture is absolutely one for the books. Conversations have become increasingly mundane, attention spans are decreasing at an alarming rate, and the race to who can care the least is just absurd now.

Stop asking why I’m single.

If you consider yourself even somewhat of a social person, I can guarantee you have numerous unsaved numbers in your text messages, far too many conversations that didn’t even last a full day, and probably a good handful of interactions you just left because you were somehow given the responsibility of leading every topic of discussion.. And that’s just not good business.

Stop asking why I’m single.

We all have traumas, insecurities of some sort and bad habits we continuously strive to work on – but if you’re incapable of even acknowledging the presence of these things in your personality, good luck holding onto anyone. Do opposites really attract? No.. That’s just foolishness the more you actually run into an opposite. Imagine not having anything in common, not enjoying the same foods or activities, and loving each other differently than the other – just foolishness.

Stop asking why I’m single.

Mind you, not all dating or interactions are bad. Some shit just comes down to bad timing. Man.. Fuck you bad timing. Sometimes you actually meet the right person at the ABSOLUTE worst possible time. Life really knows how to piss you off sometimes; however, there is always a silver lining (more like a bronze lining – the situation is still trash). At least you got to experience and witness for yourself what it does look like to be happy or find compatibility – you just don’t get to experience it with that particular person.

Stop asking why I’m single.

Keep your bar high. Keep your standards solid. Keep your values unchanged. Keep your character pure. Keep working on yourself. And when you come across someone else doing the same thing.. You’ll probably no longer be single. But until then..

 Stop asking why I’m single.
